Security Horizon Ltd

The birth of the Security Horizon Company project was sparked by Major General Mohammed Al-Hadyan's extensive expertise in orchestrating both international and national summits and conferences. Through his discernment, he identified a notable deficiency in the proficiency of companies offering crowd management and security services at international events and exhibitions within the kingdom. This deficiency manifested across various fronts, encompassing the formulation of strategic plans, risk evaluation, operational oversight, and the capability of on-ground personnel. Consequently, the concept emerged to establish a security agencies, notably the Saudi Royal Guard. specialized entity equipped with the necessary proficiency to deliver exceptional crowd management and security services. Meticulous blueprints were crafted to materialize the Security Horizon Company, underpinned by the recruitment of top-tier experts. These experts boast rich backgrounds, having improved their skills in esteemed The company embarked on its operational journey at the beginning of 2023, boasting a fully native Saudi workforce endowed with multifaceted experiences and stellar capabilities in the domain of crowd management and security. In tandem with the establishment of Security Horizon Company, a sister concern specializing in security consultancy emerged (Specialized Expertise Company). This subsidiary entity offers a range of security consultancy services encompassing risk appraisal, security audits for projects and critical buildings, and tailored security training programs.

company profile pdf
Our mission

is to provide crowd management and security services at the highest level of professionalism and efficiency. We strive to provide a safe and comfortable environment For fans and crowds at different events and events.

Our mission

is to provide superior crowd management and security services that achieve the highest quality and safety standards. We strive to develop Long-term partnerships with our customers and meeting their needs effectively and committed.

Our Goals

Provide a safe and comfortable environment for fans and crowds at events and events. Achieve customer satisfaction and meet their expectations by providing outstanding services. Maintaining professionalism and efficiency in the implementation of security plans and dealing with emergencies. Continuous development and improvement in business methods and adopt advanced technology to enhance performance.

Our Vision

We aspire to be the leading crowd management and security company in Saudi Arabia. We strive to achieve Recognize our skills and expertise and contribute to raising the level of safety and protection in conferences, events and events Different.