The book of Dmitry Gusev is a kind of philosophy self -employee: the author is capacious and clearly sets out the basic philosophical concepts that have existed in the world from ancient times: from pre -bosses to Einstein and from Taoism to existentialists.
The more information about the world we accumulate, the more difficult it is for us to process them and comprehend them. And here philosophy comes to the rescue: it is it that allows us to perceive the world as a single picture, and not as a set of disparate, random facts. The book of Dmitry Gusev is a kind of philosophy self -employee: the author is capacious and clearly sets out the basic philosophical concepts that have existed in the world from ancient times: from pre -bosses to Einstein and from Taoism to existentialists. Analyzing the heritage of various philosophical schools, Gusev shows how their ideas enrich our perception of reality and make it a holistic and harmonious.
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